Encouraging low-er waste strategies virtually might actually cause spillover into a student’s home more readily than if it were taught at school. It’s at least worth a shot!

  1. Assign outdoor learning activities. See Nature Studies Designed For Home for examples of outdoor activities for all ages.

  2. Students can conduct a waste audit in their own homes.

    • Waste Audit that needs a scale (any grade)

    • Waste Audit without a scale (higher grades but can be simplified for younger grades)

  3. Students can investigate composting at home through a wide range of activities. Give students an option to pick one that their home-life can support without needing to buy anything.

  4. “Waste Free Wednesdays” can be a regular Zoom meeting while socializing or while you show short nature video clips (see “Food & Drink” for more information)

  5. Include environmental heroes as options for research projects like Greta Thunberg, Jane Goodall, Rachel Carson including lesser known eco-warriors.

  6. Earth Day, April 22, 2020 was celebrated solely online, which means there are lots of resources out there to use in 2021.